We actually have two new additions to the studio this week. The first was an anniversary present to Sandy from Keith that we all get to enjoy.

Her name is Sophie and she is a Maltese. She loves having her tummy rubbed and is already learning how to pose for the camera. Again, this picture was made my me instead of the professionals, but I know it won't be long before her portrait is made and gracing the walls of the new studio.
Speaking of the new studio, that brings me to the second of the two whites (now is when the title makes sense)

To the untrained eye this may look like a plain white square, bit it is actually a plain white square of dry wall that now hangs in the studio. This means the hard part of the studio build is over and the dry wall has been hung. We'd like to thank Eric, Dawn, Noell, Holly, Charlie, Mindy, Eric, Mitchell, Farise, Julie, Bruce, Lauren, Dee, Kevin, Jerry, Sandy, Kelli, Stacy, Mickey, Lynn (the other one), Doug, and I am sure there are others that I have missed that Sandy will no doubt be adding in later. Without the help of all of you this massive undertaking would never have gotten done. We feel so blessed to have each of you as part of the Key Photography family.