Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby!

In continuing with my series on making the most of your session, today we will be covering 1st birthdays. By this time your little one is probably mobile in some form or fashion. That means it is time to get them out of the studio and into nature. Don't worry about the time of year, if the weather is bad we have some great indoor alternatives.

Kids are going to look adorable no matter what you put them in, so make it comfortable and easy to move in. As always, solid colors work best. We usually suggest warm tones that compliment skin tone.

Always pack a change of clothes. If there is one thing I have learned from my son it is that children (especially boys) are magnets for anything wet and sticky. Personally, I love the portraits of children with dirty feet and wet pants, but the grandparents usually like to see the children looking like angels who have never been near a speck of dirt. We love to have the option of capturing both of those looks.

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