Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Meet Lauren

The production room at Key Photography is a fun place. It is the room where your great photos become the most fabulous portraits you have ever had done. This is thanks in no small part to Lauren. She is a college student/artist/photoshop whiz who has been doing great work retouching (among other things).
Please excuse the bad lighting and angles in this picture. I (Lynn) took it, and as I have said before photography is not a skill I have acquired. One of these days I know Sandy will talk Lauren to getting in front of their camera and then we'll have a real photo to post instead.

Aside from making everyone look younger and well rested, Lauren is a very talented artist. I managed to catch a glimpse of her sketch book the other day and was very impressed. I may have to see about posting some of her drawings here. Maybe I can even talk her into posting regularly.

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