Monday, August 11, 2008

Back to School

Today is a big day in Forsyth County if you have school aged children. It is the first day of school, but for those homeschooling like the Keys, it's Monday. The big topic in my house last night was what my daughter was going to wear for the first day of 4th grade. She wanted to look her best while also being comfortable. The same can be said for people getting ready for a portrait session.
I could give you a one size fits all list of what to wear and bring to your session with us, but I have noticed that we have a wide variety of people coming through the studio. This requires a wide variety of tips.
I thought we would start with the youngest and move our way up. I'll be posting tips for newborns, children, seniors, engagement/bridal, families, and back and white. If I don't cover an area that you have questions about feel free to email me and I'll throw that in too. You can reach my inbox by emailing

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