Monday, September 15, 2008

Painting the Town

Okay, so we are just painting the studio, not the whole town, but you wouldn't know it by the number of paint buckets that entered the studio this morning. Kemptner Painting arrived bright and early today to get started. They have been great. It's not fair to keep such talent to ourselves, so if you need any painting done, inside or out, we'd recommend Mark Kemptner. His number is 404-304-8976.
The hard part for us was in choosing the colors we wanted.We knew we wanted a little brown and needed some gray for the production areas, but what we didn't know was which of the 6,000 browns was the right one. Obviously I'm exaggerating a tad, but when you are standing in front of all those paint chips, it might as well be in the thousands.

We finally settled on a cup of "Java", a nice "Trusty Tan", and a very "Proper Gray". Don't you just love paint names. I often wonder whose job it is to sit around and name different colors.
were are using the fabulous Duron paint for the walls and you can see the swatches like we have above using this really cool paint color visualizer.

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