Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fire House Fun

It's September 11th, or as it is lesser known as, Patriot's Day. To commemorate the day, the kids and I took brownies to the firehouse in downtown Cumming. We were treated to the full tour. The kids climbed on the truck, turned on the lights, and even saw where the firefighters sleep. It was awesome.

As we were headed out I noticed that there was an old flag collection box. I had no idea it was that easy. I thought you had to hunt down a responsible Boy Scout or something, but no, you just have to stop by the firehouse.

By the way, while we are talking about firefighters, a friend recently gave me a great safety tip. Make sure you have a smoke detector in your garage. There have been a couple of house fires lately that started in the garage. By the time the house alarms went off the house was in a full blaze.

Here is a great link to a slide show made of images from 9/11 2001. Remember 9-11
*Warning* It will make you cry - A LOT, so you might want to wait until you are alone to watch it.

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