Friday, September 5, 2008

Key Radio

Normally I like to think I am a productive influence around the studio, but today I slipped. I suggested that Sandy use one of my favorite sites to provide music for while she is working. As it turns out Sandy had never heard of Pandora, and now she has a new web obsession.

Pandora is a web based radio station. The great part is that you get to build your own stations using the type of music you most enjoy, and it's all free. You can share your stations and find out what your friends are listening to. On my personal page I have a station just for Christmas music, another for Oldies, and about 4 others built to suit my moods. Sandy wanted music to work by. So, I built stations for each of us. Sandy selected several artists and songs to get started. I quickly set one up for myself with about a dozen favorite artists, some with conflicting styles. Then I asked Keith what type of music he wanted. He shrugged and in typical Keith fashion said, "I like Jimmy Buffet." Not much to go on, but the station seems to have a really good mix.

I noticed that since I left the studio, someone has added profile information and added in several new stations, and it wasn't me. Is this going to be worse than the Facebook addiction?

We would love to share our stations with you. Just visit the site and search for user "sandy 951" or click on this Pandora link.

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