Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!

Just a friendly reminder (as if you needed one) that today is election day. I'm proud to say that I took advantage of the early voting to do my civic duty but if you have yet to go, I thought I would provide a very helpful link for you today.

Forsyth County has an excellent website just to help voters. There is information on where you go to vote, and a sample ballot. With all of the presidential and senate talk you might not be aware of just how many local issues there are on the ballot today. I always like to look it over at home before I go to vote so that I can get through the whole thing quickly while I'm at the polls.

After you vote, put your sticker on and head to Starbucks. They are giving away tall cups of brewed coffee to people who voted today. Also Ben and Jerry's (the one at Winward) is giving away free scoops between 5 and 8 tonight, and if you are going past a Krispy Kreme you can get a star shaped doughnut with red and blue sprinkles on the house. Wow, voting and blowing your diet for free all in one day, isn't our country awesome!

God Bless America, and please pray for our leaders no matter who wins today.

this blog posted was made possible by Lynn.

I'm Lynn Dotson and I approved this message

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