Friday, December 5, 2008

Busy Day

Today was the annual Christmas packing party for Treat the Troops. They pack and ship cookies to soldiers just about every month, but this is the last shipment before Christmas. They always pull out all the stops in December, and once again the Crumbs did not disappoint. I was able to grab a shot to share. That line of tables at the top of the image is covered from end to end in homemade cookies waiting to be shipped to the men and women serving our country overseas.

Another exciting part of my day involves a birthday. My husband's brother is visiting with us. This year he took a job in China and it has been 6 months since we have seen him. His wife had to stay in China this trip so it was up to me to make sure he had a great birthday complete with cake. My daughter had the idea of writing "Happy Birthday" in Mandarin on the cake. Thanks to Google I found what it should look like. Here is my attempt.

Since I wasn't able to go to the studio today I am hoping Sandy will fill us all in on how the Sleigh Ride is going. I'm looking forward to seeing the Key Photography Studio winterized.

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