Monday, December 22, 2008

Going Home Again

Whoever said you can't go home again obviously never met my family. This week we will all be gathering together in my home town of Jackson, TN. My family has lived in this town for many generations so it is not unusual for me to run into Walmart and see at least 3 different people I am either related to or have known for the majority of my life. We talk about how much our children have grown and changed and how we all look just like we did in high school (yeah, right!).
In the guest room I am staying in, my mother has all of our old photo albums. I could not resist going through them. I quickly noticed a theme to every family picture we had. First of all, they are all off center and badly lit. Second, there is a Christmas tree in all of them. The last time my family had a professional family portrait was 1980, and even that one was for a church directory. This is why every year since my daughter was born my husband and I have dressed up the kids and had a professional portrait done. After looking through the albums at my parent's home I am determined to work them into the next one.

On a funny side note, I found an old envelope that my 4th grade school portrait came in. On the back of it was written, "Your Key to Tomorrow's Memories". I couldn't help but think of Keith and Sandy and how Keith would probably roll his eyes had I suggested that as a motto for the Key Photography Studio.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

I forgot to mention that the picture I posted is actually my brother and me, Christmas of 1980, which explains the pattern on the curtains in the backgroud. At the time they went great with our havest gold shag carpet.