Friday, January 23, 2009

Outdoor Studio

At the end of Fall 2008 we were blessed with being able to complete the indoor studio for Key Photography with a few minor things to finish. With many thanks to all of you - our friends - we had a wonderful 2008 year. After completing the indoor studio, we still had the task of creating the outdoor studio; but while we were completing the indoor studio we were also working on the first phase of the landscaping for the outdoor studio - to have the hard scape built. Most of that has been completed with the exception of a few things.

After Christmas we acquired 13 trees of various species along with other plants that sat in our driveway waiting to be planted. This happened in the midst of this freezing weather that we were having and Keith and I were wondering how in the world are we going to get these trees into holes in the ground so that they could get acclimated to the soil and not die from the freezing weather. Acquiring these trees allowed us to begin the second phase of design for the outdoor studio.

Thanks to friends of ours, Lance and Paula Walker, who own a bobcat and Lance, who owns his own business, were more than gracious to volunteer to help with planting those 13 trees. You can reach Lance if you need any work done by calling Curbco at 678.776.3590. Thanks again Lance.
There will be other phases of landscaping to be done, which will include a beach and various natural and manicured areas for photography that will help us to provide unique photographs for you - our friends. We are very excited about the progress. There is still a good bit to do but check out our beginning. Come by the Key Photography studio to see us and the progress we are making and let us know if there is anything we can do to serve you. Have a blessed 2009!

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