Saturday, January 10, 2009

Like Father Like Son!

As 2009 has already begun, I was doing the usual trying to get organized to begin a new year with a little more structure when I ran across more old photos of our kids. When our 7 year old, Carmen, was born Keith's parents brought Jordan and Candler to the hospital to see their new sister and we caught a glimpse of our son following in his dad's shadow. These were candid shots taken by some of our family members - so don't expect these to be the quality of work that you get when you come to us - but I did want to share them. As I sit and watch my children there are many times that I wonder what God designed them to be - maybe and architect, an artist, or maybe even a photographer. Who knows - but it sure is interesting to wonder and watch them grow. I look forward to seeing what they will turn out to be when they grow up but pray everyday for their safety and desire to follow God's path. All of this being said - please pray for the Gardner family here in Cumming as their daughter is missing. Cherish those times with your children and pray for them daily. The Key Photography team will be praying for each of you and your family this year. If there is anything that we can do to serve you please feel free to let us know. May God bless you all during the 2009 year.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

That expression on Jordan's face is adorable.