Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's Cookie Time!

I always look forward to that special time of year when the Girl Scouts gather outside of stores with those pretty boxes of yummy cookies. My grandmother use to buy a ton from me and would freeze them. She would space it out just right to insure that she would have Thin Mints year round. I'm not a Girl Scout any more, but I do have the inside track on this years cookies. Preordering has started, but first you have to know a Girl Scout. It just so happens that Key Photography has 2 in house Girl Scouts. That's right, portraits AND cookies. We truly are full service.
Here is a link to Meet the Cookies
Give us a call at the Key Photography Studio if you'd like to get on the preorder list. This will save you from fighting over the last box of Tagalongs in front of Walmart. 770.205.5275

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