Thursday, January 29, 2009

Senior Romp

Our Senior Ambassador Taylor booked a Senior Session to share with her friends. Keith and a group of Taylor's friends wandered all over Atlanta having fun and capturing memories that they will have long after graduation. I really don't have the words to express how much I love these images. I'm just going to have to let the shots speak for themselves.

If you are interested in booking a Senior Session for one or for a whole group, please call the Key Photography Studio at 770.205.5275. Don't wait until the weather gets warmer to make your appointment. We are already booking Spring sessions.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Outdoor Studio

At the end of Fall 2008 we were blessed with being able to complete the indoor studio for Key Photography with a few minor things to finish. With many thanks to all of you - our friends - we had a wonderful 2008 year. After completing the indoor studio, we still had the task of creating the outdoor studio; but while we were completing the indoor studio we were also working on the first phase of the landscaping for the outdoor studio - to have the hard scape built. Most of that has been completed with the exception of a few things.

After Christmas we acquired 13 trees of various species along with other plants that sat in our driveway waiting to be planted. This happened in the midst of this freezing weather that we were having and Keith and I were wondering how in the world are we going to get these trees into holes in the ground so that they could get acclimated to the soil and not die from the freezing weather. Acquiring these trees allowed us to begin the second phase of design for the outdoor studio.

Thanks to friends of ours, Lance and Paula Walker, who own a bobcat and Lance, who owns his own business, were more than gracious to volunteer to help with planting those 13 trees. You can reach Lance if you need any work done by calling Curbco at 678.776.3590. Thanks again Lance.
There will be other phases of landscaping to be done, which will include a beach and various natural and manicured areas for photography that will help us to provide unique photographs for you - our friends. We are very excited about the progress. There is still a good bit to do but check out our beginning. Come by the Key Photography studio to see us and the progress we are making and let us know if there is anything we can do to serve you. Have a blessed 2009!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Virtual Reunion

For some reason my graduating class did not have a 10 year reunion. As a result, many of the people I went to school with, including me, have gone to Facebook for a sort of virtual reunion. We get to find out where everyone is, see pictures of their kids, and not have to worry about losing 15 pounds to fit into a dress we paid too much for to impress people. I have really enjoyed it. I especially love that I was able to post images from the family session we had with Keith this year. I have gotten so many compliments on them. Here is my personal favorite.

Getting those images was not a perk of working here. All anyone has to do is ask. Keith is happy to burn low resolution copies of the images you order from Key Photography. So, if you are having a virtual reunion of your own, or just want to look your best in your profile picture, be sure to ask for an order images disc with your next order.
If you haven't already, be sure to join our Facebook group the next time you are on. This will help keep you up to date on Key Photography studio news and an occasional FB only specials.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Like Father Like Son!

As 2009 has already begun, I was doing the usual trying to get organized to begin a new year with a little more structure when I ran across more old photos of our kids. When our 7 year old, Carmen, was born Keith's parents brought Jordan and Candler to the hospital to see their new sister and we caught a glimpse of our son following in his dad's shadow. These were candid shots taken by some of our family members - so don't expect these to be the quality of work that you get when you come to us - but I did want to share them. As I sit and watch my children there are many times that I wonder what God designed them to be - maybe and architect, an artist, or maybe even a photographer. Who knows - but it sure is interesting to wonder and watch them grow. I look forward to seeing what they will turn out to be when they grow up but pray everyday for their safety and desire to follow God's path. All of this being said - please pray for the Gardner family here in Cumming as their daughter is missing. Cherish those times with your children and pray for them daily. The Key Photography team will be praying for each of you and your family this year. If there is anything that we can do to serve you please feel free to let us know. May God bless you all during the 2009 year.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's Cookie Time!

I always look forward to that special time of year when the Girl Scouts gather outside of stores with those pretty boxes of yummy cookies. My grandmother use to buy a ton from me and would freeze them. She would space it out just right to insure that she would have Thin Mints year round. I'm not a Girl Scout any more, but I do have the inside track on this years cookies. Preordering has started, but first you have to know a Girl Scout. It just so happens that Key Photography has 2 in house Girl Scouts. That's right, portraits AND cookies. We truly are full service.
Here is a link to Meet the Cookies
Give us a call at the Key Photography Studio if you'd like to get on the preorder list. This will save you from fighting over the last box of Tagalongs in front of Walmart. 770.205.5275

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Relationship Portraiture

Life is all about relationships for each of us. Our own special relationships may be different for each of us ... it may be with our parents, children, spouses or friends that are cherished and treasured. Keith and I have decided to make January and February months that are focused on relationship portraiture since February is known as a month related to love and the ones that we cherish.

I have very few photographs of Keith because he is usually behind the camera rather than in front. Because this is the way it usually is in our home you can understand why it was very meaningful to me when Keith decided to surprise me for my birthday with "Relationship" portraits of he and our children as a gift.
In the image above of my childrens feet I could not have chosen a better way to capture an image that will help me remember my children's faces and foot measurements at a specific moment of time in their lives. I wanted to share some of those portraits with you so that you can see how meaningful they are. Because they hold such meaning, we wanted to offer the opportunity for you to schedule some of these fun and special sessions in our studio during January and February so that you can cherish that same experience.

Your relationship session can include your children, parents, spouse, or other family members. Life is short and we all get too busy and sometimes we forget to stop and cherish those special times and memories before they slip away. We would love to capture some of those cherished moments for you and help you create memorable relationship portraits for your home.
Call the Key Photography studio at 770.205.5275 for more information or to schedule your relationship portrait session. Visit our website at to view more of our work and to visit our Key Elements blog.


This is Kristen Gardner and Kevin Black. Kristen and Kevin went missing between midnight and 2am Sunday morning. If you have seen them or have any information that could help locate either of these teens please call the Forsyth County Sheriff's Department at 770.781.2222. We are praying for both of these young people and hope for a safe and swift return home.

If you'd like to help spread the word there is a Facebook group you can join. It is called Kristen Gardner & Kevin Black