Saturday, December 27, 2008

Gingerbread Party

While the holidays were chaotic around here with trying to get orders delivered and our own Christmas shopping began the day before Christmas Eve we had the wonderful invitation to do another "portrait party" for some wonderful friends. They were having a few families over to see the children decorate gingerbread houses.

While we were there Santa made a surprise visit for the children. We had a great time getting to know everyone and sharing in the Christmas spirit.

We hope you had a wonderful and joyous Christmas season and pray that you have a very blessed and safe New Year.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

We would like to wish all of you a happy and very blessed Christmas. We thank each of you for the opportunity of getting to know you and pray that you will have a wonderful and meaningful season. Amongst the busyness of getting ready for the holidays, cherish the moments with your families. Also remember the real meaning of Christmas ... Jesus. May God richly bless you all during this wonderful season and may you have a wonderful new year.

Going Home Again

Whoever said you can't go home again obviously never met my family. This week we will all be gathering together in my home town of Jackson, TN. My family has lived in this town for many generations so it is not unusual for me to run into Walmart and see at least 3 different people I am either related to or have known for the majority of my life. We talk about how much our children have grown and changed and how we all look just like we did in high school (yeah, right!).
In the guest room I am staying in, my mother has all of our old photo albums. I could not resist going through them. I quickly noticed a theme to every family picture we had. First of all, they are all off center and badly lit. Second, there is a Christmas tree in all of them. The last time my family had a professional family portrait was 1980, and even that one was for a church directory. This is why every year since my daughter was born my husband and I have dressed up the kids and had a professional portrait done. After looking through the albums at my parent's home I am determined to work them into the next one.

On a funny side note, I found an old envelope that my 4th grade school portrait came in. On the back of it was written, "Your Key to Tomorrow's Memories". I couldn't help but think of Keith and Sandy and how Keith would probably roll his eyes had I suggested that as a motto for the Key Photography Studio.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Our New Look

As you may have noticed, we have been making a few changes at and everyone seems to love it. However, we still have a few adjustments to make before we are completely finished. We have been working with a great designer which allows us the opportunity of having a more objective eye for our style than our own.
God has a great way of creating paths that bring people together and it is quite interesting how He introduced us to a wonderful person that has a great eye for design and style. Her name is Madie and she is awesome and her family is as well. We are very excited about the new look of Key Photography, and equally excited to introduce Key Celebrations, our official wedding site. You can check us out at to see our wedding images. It is in the beginning stages so please be patient as you see changes and updates to both sites. We would love to hear what you think of the new logo for the Key Photography website as the launch of our wedding site.

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Wells Fargo Wagon

I realize that unless you are a musical fan like I am, you might not understand the title of this post. Let me explain. It means that packages are coming everyday to the studio. Yesterday the delivery man brought something special just for me. Today might be your turn. We are checking in orders, putting together albums, breaking glass - I mean cleaning glass. Okay, I confess, I broke one very large piece of glass while I was getting a frame ready. I think my spirit shattered more than the glass did. I had to get right back on the horse and have cleaned several pieces since then without a single problem. The glass in question was returned to the shop and a new piece cut. Someone other than me will be cleaning it this time.

Checking in orders may be my favorite part of this job. It is the fruits of our labors and seeing it all put together is so exciting. The best is when people come in and they see their portraits for the first time printed and framed. More than once we have had to have the tissues on hand, and yes, one time it was for me. Since I tend to get misty eyed putting together other people's slide shows, you can imagine how emotional I get when the subjects are my own children. Speaking of my own children, I wanted to share one of my favorites from this year. A special thanks to Keith for capturing this unforgettable moment.

This was taken in the Key Photography studio during our Santa Experience.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Busy Day

Today was the annual Christmas packing party for Treat the Troops. They pack and ship cookies to soldiers just about every month, but this is the last shipment before Christmas. They always pull out all the stops in December, and once again the Crumbs did not disappoint. I was able to grab a shot to share. That line of tables at the top of the image is covered from end to end in homemade cookies waiting to be shipped to the men and women serving our country overseas.

Another exciting part of my day involves a birthday. My husband's brother is visiting with us. This year he took a job in China and it has been 6 months since we have seen him. His wife had to stay in China this trip so it was up to me to make sure he had a great birthday complete with cake. My daughter had the idea of writing "Happy Birthday" in Mandarin on the cake. Thanks to Google I found what it should look like. Here is my attempt.

Since I wasn't able to go to the studio today I am hoping Sandy will fill us all in on how the Sleigh Ride is going. I'm looking forward to seeing the Key Photography Studio winterized.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tea Time

Wasn't the snow on Monday gorgeous! It was just enough to be beautiful and not enough to cause a run on milk at the grocery store. It certainly put me in the Christmas spirit. It didn't hurt that Sandy and I also spent the day getting ready for the annual First Baptist Cumming Christmas Tea. There is nothing like watching the snow fall as you are setting a table with Christmas dishes and decorations. I am so sorry to say that in all of the excitement, I forgot my camera. So, I will just have to describe it all for you.
My table had a candy cane theme, and Sandy's had the most amazing topiary made up of hundreds of little beads. All the ladies went above and beyond, as always, to make their tables beautiful. Tam's Backstage catered, and let me just say, it was fabulous. Our speaker, Kay Dekalb Smith, was hysterical. On the second night of the tea I had the honor to be sitting at the same table with her. It turns out that her daughter is a photographer in Nashville and her other daughter is engaged to be married. Photography, weddings, and a Tennessee/Alabama background! We could have chatted all night.
The other great thing about the snow was that it put us in exactly the right mood for the big Sleigh Ride Event in the Key Photography Studio this weekend. That's right, I said THIS weekend. If you haven't booked your session yet, please call right away so that we can work you in. We are shooting both Friday night and Saturday morning, but the sooner you call the studio at 770.205.5275 the more likely we will be able to get you in at the time you want.