Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving from Sandy Key

Isn't the beauty of God awesome? Sometimes the beauty of nature is overwhelming to see. It just makes me thankful for all that we are blessed with. On the note of thankfulness ... we just wanted to wish all of our friends a Happy Thanksgiving.
This a great time of year ... one of our favorites. I know that Thanksgiving and Christmas are not one holiday but I love to have everything decorated for Christmas and enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday all at the same time. I hope that we all are thankful for what God has blessed us with and that we can always remember that our blessings are to be passed on to others. I hope that you will join our Key Photography family by trying to pass on some of those blessings to the family that we are trying to help during the holiday season.
As we wrote before about a family we are trying to help get on their feet ... not unlike many others during this same time. It can almost be overwhelming to try and decide who to help and how. If you are led to do so, please call us and let us know that you are willing to help this family or come by the studio to bring things to help this family. They are in need of almost anything that you can think of ... from household items such as pots & pans, or even toiletries or clothes. Gift cards are also helpful for them. There is nothing too small that you could give that might bless them and help them to have a better holiday season.
Oh well, know that the Key Photography family is very thankful for each and every one of you and we hope that you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sleigh Ride Details

The Sleigh Ride Special will be held Friday December 5th and Saturday December 6th only. The session fee for this special will be $79, which includes a $50 credit towards your purchase. This will allow you to build your own package from our full line of print sizes, postcards, and even custom Christmas cards. Hurry now to book before the slots are full! The Key Photography studio number is 770.205.5275.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sleigh Ride

Saturday with Santa was awesome and every other positive word you can think of, but take a look at our next special event.
We are creating a special "Winter Wonderland" set for your family to have beautiful Christmas photos for cards and portraits. There will be snow and trees and warm blankets to complete the feel of winter inside.
This is the perfect set for those of you who only wanted family Christmas portraits with a winter season feel.
This is a limited time only special set for Friday, December 5th and Saturday, December 6th just for winter portraits. These are the only 2 days for our Winter portrait special so don't miss out on this special Sleigh Ride event. These will make a great Christmas cards or portraits for everyone. Call the Key Photography studio at 770-205-5275 to schedule your own personal Sleigh Ride.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Checking His List!

We had a great time with Santa and the experience was priceless!! It was fun to watch the children have their own special time with him. Each family had a special fun experience being able to relax and get to spend some one on one time with Santa. We tried to create a relaxed morning for parents as well as the children. While the children were having their time with Santa their parents were able to have muffins & hot cider while watching their little ones have fun finding their names on Santa's Christmas List and getting to tell him their Christmas wishes.

He arrived at our studio around 8:00 am and shortly thereafter I was unable to find our 7 year old Carmen. After looking for her I found her in her jeans, a t-shirt, barefoot and unbrushed hair sitting in his lap just talking. It was great and so wonderful to watch my children as well as the others having such a relaxed and fun time with Santa. Those of you who missed your time with Santa ... he left his sleigh for us to use for your own personal Sleigh Ride portraits.

Our upcoming special for December is a Winter Sleigh Ride scene for you to be able to get your order in for Christmas cards ahead of the holidays and in time for your friends and families to enjoy your wonderful smiles. Call us to schedule your photos and order your photos from your recent sessions so that you can get those cards out in time for the holidays. You can schedule your sessions by calling the Key Photography studio at 770.205.5275. We'll look forward to hearing from you and thanks for checking out our blog. Come back very soon and we'll have upcoming news on the Sleigh Ride!

The Key Photography Family

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!

Just a friendly reminder (as if you needed one) that today is election day. I'm proud to say that I took advantage of the early voting to do my civic duty but if you have yet to go, I thought I would provide a very helpful link for you today.

Forsyth County has an excellent website just to help voters. There is information on where you go to vote, and a sample ballot. With all of the presidential and senate talk you might not be aware of just how many local issues there are on the ballot today. I always like to look it over at home before I go to vote so that I can get through the whole thing quickly while I'm at the polls.

After you vote, put your sticker on and head to Starbucks. They are giving away tall cups of brewed coffee to people who voted today. Also Ben and Jerry's (the one at Winward) is giving away free scoops between 5 and 8 tonight, and if you are going past a Krispy Kreme you can get a star shaped doughnut with red and blue sprinkles on the house. Wow, voting and blowing your diet for free all in one day, isn't our country awesome!

God Bless America, and please pray for our leaders no matter who wins today.

this blog posted was made possible by Lynn.

I'm Lynn Dotson and I approved this message

Monday, November 3, 2008

It's Begining to look a lot... Christmas! It seems like only yesterday that I was looking at the beautiful fall colors and enjoying the crisp morning air. Come to think of it, I guess it was yesterday, but that is behind us now. When November starts it is officially no longer too early to be thinking about Christmas. All of the stores are changing their orange and yellow decor to reds and greens. We are following right in step. With Santa coming this week, and a surprise new winter set to follow (oops, pretend I didn't mention that), the studio is primed for a holiday make over.
Stay tuned for details.