Thursday, February 19, 2009

Some Bunny Love

Some days I really love my job. It's not often you hear your boss ask "Would you mind spending more time on Facebook?", or as was the case this week, "Can you do some research on bunnies?" I put my nose to the grindstone and googled images of rabbits. Did you know that there are actually 47 recognized breeds of rabbits? I have narrowed down my favorites to 3. First, you have the lop. These are your classic floppy eared bunnies.

Then, there is the mini rex. They look like a typical rabbit, but miniature.

Last, but not least is the lionhead. These are the super fluffy faced bunnies with short ears.

Hopefully you are wondering why I was looking at bunnies all day. Well, it was research for a spring special like none other. I know rabbits have been done, they have even been done by us, but not like this. I'm not going to give you details just yet, but I will leave you with these words: historic, nostalgic, and adorable. If you can't wait for the upcoming information you are welcome to call the Key Photography studio at 770.205.5275 to inquire. We are still getting all of the information together before we send it out. We can't wait for you to hear about it and plan for your own session. Have a great weekend and come back next week to check on the details.

All images are from Cuteness Overload, a site that lives up to it's name.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Be CentsAble Workshops

How many of you cut out, print out, and collect coupons? I am totally scared of all of the mania that is going on with the coupon hype. Okay, I have to admit that I am scared because I can only imagine the time (that I don't have) it takes to work on this whole thing. I have a friend on facebook who does all of this and is actually going to teach a class on coupon savings. The class will be held on February 28 from 10:00 - 2:00 at the First Baptist Cumming Youth House to help those of us that are skeptical or fearful to learn more about how to accomplish these kinds of savings. They are selling tickets in advance for $3 each to cover the cost of getting everyone newspapers to work through during the class.
She posted a clip from abc on her facebook that gives good information on the savings that we can get by saving coupons. I am beginning to get interested. If you want to check it out you can go to these sites and watch video clips on this topic.

Check out:
Coupon Parties
Supermarket Savings
The Coupon Game
Be Centsable Mission Statement

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thank You!

I realize that this is coming a bit delayed so please forgive us. I received a delayed "thank you" from the single mom that you helped over the holidays. She sent her huge gratitude to all of you that sent things to her via the Key Photography studio. We really appreciate helping us to accomplish the goal of providing she and her girls with some of the needs that they have had. She let us know that she is doing better but as you all know when you are trying to get on your feet that sometimes it is slow. Please continue to pray for she and her family. They are very gracious and grateful for all that everyone did for them. If you have any questions please feel free to contact our studio at 770.205.5275. Thanks again and may God bless you.

A Short Senior Video

This is just a little something new I'm trying out.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Sandy!

I wanted to sneak in really quickly and post that today is Sandy's birthday. Like most women over the age of 21, Sandy is not a big fan of her own birthday. This has not stopped me from celebrating it anyway. This morning I stopped by the Laughing Elephant and picked up a "death by chocolate" cupcake, added a candle, and of course made it's picture. Sadly, all I had on me was the phone on my camera (how ironic). I'm hoping to get a better shot of Sandy eating it later, but I'm not holding my breath. Happy Birthday Sandy! I hope you have a great day and a fantastic year.

Monday, February 9, 2009

More Outdoor Studio Updates!

We are trying to get everything ready for the spring. I can't wait! We have again been working on the outdoor studio with more hardscape, landscape, grading, etc. It looks like a complete mess but I guess you have to make a mess sometimes before you can clean it up. Here are some shots of more progress.

Don't forget to read our blog on a regular basis so that you can keep up. It sure is fun around here watching all of the progress and trying to have sessions, do production, marketing, etc. Spring is coming and our sessions are scheduling fast. We will be sending out our schedule for upcoming specials very soon. We have some incredible ideas so don't miss out. Call the Key Photography studio at 770.205.5275 to schedule your weddings, family, maternity, newborn, children, seniors, and other sessions you might be interested in having photographed.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


We decided to add a little fun to the blog. To your right you will see our Project Playlist music player. We add the songs in and you control the player. You can skip to the next song, repeat the last song, or pause it all together. It is set to shuffle so that you will hear something different every time you visit. I have loaded a couple of dozen songs to get us started, and I am now taking requests. If there is a song you love and want to share with our readers, please post it in the comments section of this post and I'll add it into the rotation.