Thursday, October 16, 2008

SanTa Baby!

If you are on our email list or a member of our Facebook group then you have already heard that Santa is coming to the studio November 8th. If you are not in our email list, please sign up through the site with the link that reads "newsletter". It is the best way for us to let you know what specials and events we have coming up.

There are a few things that the announcement did not cover that I wanted to address here. First of all, as you can hopefully tell by the image above of our SanTa, there will be no fake beards and padded tummies here. This is the real deal.

We are setting up the studio with a comfortable feel to welcome your family in. Naturally, there will be cookies and such. What would a Santa experience be without cookies? There will also be no rushing. Your little ones will have plenty of time to present their full wish list to Santa.

When it comes time to review your images, you won't be limited to choosing just one shot. As a mom, I know it can be impossible to choose between your favorite shots, so we don't want you to have to choose. We also don't want to limit you to just prints. We have arranged our pricing especially for Santa so that you can have personalized Christmas cards even in our smallest packages. This will let you share your experience with all of your friends and family.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Party of Characters

The studio was crazy Friday night. All of the reoccurring characters from the Kid's Town drama team came over for dinner with a photo session on the side. I guess you could call it our first in house portrait party.

I can not remember the last time I laughed so hard and was still allowed to call it work. These are just a taste of the fun that was captured that night. I can not wait to see the finished product hanging up in Kid's Town.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Too Much Fun with Charley! by Sandy

We had the opportunity of photographing Lance, Paula, & Charley for their family Fall session last year and for Charley's 2 year session. We fell in love with them and have grown to watch them grow from a family of 3 to now a family of 4. Now we have the blessing of also getting to know Addison and have already had 2 sessions with her. She is as beautiful as Charley and also as sweet.

Today we had another great session in the studio with Charley for her 3 year session! Keith and I always have a blast when she walks into the room. She is such a beautiful girl and a great ham for the camera. Here are a few of our favorites from her session. I hope you enjoy them as much as we have.

Thank you so much Paula and Lance for bringing the girls in and allowing us to share in some of your special times. We love watching them grow!

Opening Day at the New Studio by Sandy

FINALLY ... we have officially started shooting in the new studio. Hurray!!! There are still a few small things to complete such as hanging the projector and screen, setting up the production room, and putting the finishing touches on the wall with beautiful portraits of our friends.

We had three sessions today in our new studio. The first was a newborn but what was so special for Keith and I was that we had the opportunity of photographing the parents' wedding several years ago and it was so exciting to see them again ... with a beautiful new life!

Congratulations Christian & Kelly on your new blessing and thank you for giving us the opportunity to share in the experience of a photo session with you again ... but with a new addition to your wonderful family. "Everett is beautiful!!"

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happily Ever After

As you hopefully know by now, we have been in the middle of a HUGE project. We are building a new studio. With every new level of the remodel I have taken my humble little camera in to capture "before" pictures. On more than one occasion 1 or more of the people working (usually Sandy) would say, "I'm tired of before, I want AFTER!" Well, I am extremely excited to announce that I finally have "after" shots.
Please pardon my dusty camera. You need to see the studio in person to really appreciate this transformation. (hint hint). The seating is so comfortable, and every time I walk on the carpet I just want to take my shoes off and run around barefoot like a kid.

This is my desk. Get a good look now because you will never see it this clean again. I've already completed a couple of projects sitting right there. Later this week the rest of the production team should be moving in, but for now I have a really big private office.
We still have a few things left to do such as hanging some of our favorite work, and setting up the whole media center, but that is all icing on the cake. The real news is that our first studio shoot will be first thing in the morning and I can't wait.